Monthly Archives: January 2013

+28 Winter Birth

bday1-2Today is my birthday. Much of my journey of the past year has been focused on my physical body and trying fervently to rid myself of the extra baggage it has acquired over the past twenty three years. This year I am continuing to focus on the physical but added this blog in as a way to return to focusing on my soul and creativity… perhaps to shed the baggage of accumulated negative waste in my head. I shot this photo during my birthday run on my favorite trail. As a January baby, I tend toward the thread of melancholy that weaves it way in and out of the winter months. I love  how silent snow reflects the moonlight, cold yet inviting.

Memories to savor from my birthday:
– running through the brisk air at a faster than usual pace.
– realizing that despite our immaturity as young parents and our weaknesses in general, we have raised a well-balanced, loving adult son. I treasure his visit for my celebration, the dancing to Just Dance 4, and the conversation about emotions we had.
– time around the diningroom table with 4 out of my 5 kids, my hubby, my Mom, and one of my sisters… of special note was the very odd sounding rendition of “Happy Birthday” sung in varying accents.
– a delicious flourless chocolate cake with fresh raspberries, blueberries, bananas and peanut granola lovingly prepared by my husband.

And, another pic from my run…


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+27 Nestled in bed


The best intentions led to working out in the morning followed by a very, very long nap nestled between my flannel snowflake sheets and quilt and knit in on the side by my two puppies.

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+26 A return

Today was spent preparing for my husband’s return from a business trip. I wish I could say I did something creative today, but instead I cleaned and wasted far too much time on facebook.


+25 Soulful Saturday Week 4

Soulful Saturday

This week’s theme is “Fire”. Please post a link to your work whether it be a drawing, painting, poem, piece of writing etc. Even if it is unfiinished, please post a link because I’d love to read and comment.

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+24 Solitary


Solitary yet surrounded

Not always alone

Not always known


(My Soulful Saturday contribution for week 3)


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+21 +22 +23 Pear-shaped


As an artist, I feel that I shouldn’t go into any explanation in regard to this piece. As a writer, I am tempted to do so. For now, I leave it to the interpretation of the viewer.

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+20 Throwaway day or not

Yesterday was a crap day. What can I say? Figuring out sales tax for the quarter after spending every last cent in our bank account and our sales tax savings account to replace the heater equals one unhappy woman. Yes, I am thankful the money was in the account to use, but I am now left with one whopping unpaid bill. I’ve seen God’s hand at work in this whole process, so I have to continue to hope that He will provide. Having a community of friend’s around us meeting our needs is both humbling and inspiring. I am thankful, so I guess this wasn’t a throwaway day afterall. 

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+19 Fire for the body, fire for the soul


photo courtesy Jeff Reeder Photography,

Sunday started with fire. Physical fire. The installation of the coal stoker/boiler was complete sometime after midnight Saturday and for the first time in 13 years my house was truly warm. I thought this physical warmth was going to be the highlight of my day. And, yet my soul experienced warmth today, too, unexpectedly. Through a series of small events, I ended up attending church today. I’d tried this church before years ago and at the time, it just didn’t seem like a good fit. Today, my husband happened to be with me, as well, which is somewhat unusual since he normally works weekends. This is also the church where my children attend youth group every Wednesday night.

But, enough about the mundane details… the fact is God reached down from heaven into my soul through the voice and energetic spirit of a young man leading worship on stage and for the first time in years, I felt like I was home. A particular song stood out among the rest. Maybe because I have a degree in ceramics and the song was about God creating beautiful things out of dust or maybe only because it is what I needed to hear. And, while listening to this young man sing with unmatched passion and humility, I was blessed with a vision of where my current drawing is going. I love it when God pulls a few of the sloppy threads of life together to give you a glimpse of the tapestry of your life. I am engulfed by fire.

The bring me to tears song:

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+18 Soulful Saturday

+18 Soulful Saturday

As seems to be the pattern for this year so far, I am still working on my project for last week’s theme. The theme from last week was nemesis and the week before that the theme was intertwined. My project below is a combination of both themes. I figured out this week that time is my nemesis and so I am trying to incorporate the female human form in with the tree branches. I want to show the female form in various stages of life and it’s proving difficult. Part of me thinks this project would be better served in clay three dimensionally which is how I tend to think. Here’s my work, so far:

I am working on the pregnant female form being composed of tree branches. I don't think it's even close to where I want it yet.

Very, very rough sketch of the pregnant female form being composed of tree branches.                                                      I don’t think it’s even close to where I want it yet.

For this week’s theme, I’ve chosen solitary. As always, feel free to join me and post a link as soon as you are done under this post so that I, and hopefully others, can comment on your work. Photographs, paintings, drawings, poems, short stories… whatever moves you, are all acceptable.

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+17 Good food, good company


When my son studying to be a chef was in his culinary class in high school, his teacher told him that even when the economy is bad, chefs still have jobs because somehow people still find the money to go out to eat. Truer words have never been spoken. Today, despite our low funds, my hubby and I went out for breakfast because eating a well-cooked meal and connecting over coffee is sometimes what the soul needs when dealing with life’s bigger problems. And, getting to eat somewhere with heat… ah, the luxury. Breakfast did not disappoint.

We came home and I nestled under the covers in my bedroom with my favorite furry friends, Zach and Tsuki. My dogs, like breakfast, did not disappoint.

Zach, the old man

Zach, the old man

Tsuki, the tiny girl

Tsuki, the tiny girl

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