Category Archives: Art

Soulful Saturday: Week 9

Soulful SaturdayI apologize for posting today’s theme late. It’s been a hectic day full of photo shoots, play practices and that awful deed called bill paying. I’m having a hard time staying positive. So in an attempt to be positive, this week’s theme is renewal based on the promise of spring which in some ways gives hope.

As always, feel free to share your art, poem, short story, photo and post a link under this post.

Last week, my hubby did a piece of artwork for last week’s theme of “describe the ghosts that live in your house.” His contribution can be seen here:

My contribution can be seen here:

+46 Soulful Saturday: Week 8

+46 Soulful Saturday: Week 8

+46 Soulful Saturday

This week’s theme thanks to the theme generator on WordPress.

Italo Calvino said, “The more enlightened our houses are, the more their walls ooze ghosts.” Describe the ghosts that live in your house.

Create art or writing based on the above prompt and post a link, if you so desire.
Here’s my contribution for the week:

The ghosts in my house aren’t only thoughts and memories. Some of them are present in physical matter left behind from years past. Holes in the wall from teenage angst, a last minute carpet bought for the floor that I eventually gave birth to my youngest daughter on, an entryway marking the growth of children over the years.

When I was young, we moved around almost every single year until I was 12. There was no time for physical items to becomes markers of past events. There was no time for bonds to be formed among friends or even family outside my primary unit. No ghosts in those houses and apartments at all. The place that held ghosts for me at that stage of life was my mother’s car. Many road trips and moves were spent in her car where each of the three of us had our designated living area… mine was the back window. I laid against the cold of the back window watching other cars drive by and that was my place. Even though we stopped moving after I turned 12 and my Mom remarried, it took me years to feel at home anywhere other than a car. When I turned 15, my Mom wanted to move again, I told her no. I told her she could move without me, but that I was not moving again. And, truly, I haven’t. I may have lived in a couple different apartments before buying the house we have lived in for 12 years, but they have all been within about an hour of each other. Now, I have a home, ghosts and all.

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+41 Afternoon is for the dogs

+41 Afternoon is for the dogs

My creative endeavor for the day was to play around with my good friend Susan’s photograph of her three lovable dogs. The composition and lighting of her photograph really made me want to make it look more like an oil painting. It has great triangular composition and reminds me of a de Chirico painting. So, here’s my best try using the tools at hand i.e. Photoshop.

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+39 Soulful Saturday: Week 6

+39 Soulful Saturday: Week 6

Today’s theme is “home” or “messages from home” or “home is where…” As always, write, draw, paint, etc. and if you feel like sharing a link to your work, post it below in the comments section.

Last week’s theme was “real life.” Here is a l ink to my friend’s contribution, as well as my own.

Day 34: Wilted

+33 Measure of a woman

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+33 Measure of a woman


What you see is what you get. I think this image speaks for itself. Life is not fair. You can work out 4-5 times per week for months on end, you can run for miles, you can watch what you eat (and f it up, too) but you can’t change everything.  What do people who do not know me see when they look at me? A fat girl. What do I see when I look in the mirror? 8 times out of 10, a fat girl. 2 times out of 10 I might see all of the hard work I’ve put into reshaping this worn out body, this worn out womb. I might see this holder of five children as something to accept. I doubt I will ever see it as something beautiful. It’s not. But, maybe one day when it’s 6 sizes smaller, I’ll be more at peace with myself and the pendulum will shift.

This is my “Soulful Saturday” theme contribution for the week.

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+31 Changing art

A friend of mine’s daughter did this lovely drawing on her computer. She used a similar drawing as her inspiration. I am awed by how much detail in the fur she could attain at her young age and using only a mouse. Looking at the drawing has made me really think about what is and what isn’t art. When I was in art school, the debate was always about whether the crafts: photography, ceramics, fibers, etc… were art or only craft. Now, I sit and look at a drawing made using a computer and wonder how creating art on the computer using a mouse fits into this picture. I wonder what the medium for artist’s will be in a hundred years.

Here is a link to my friend’s daughter’s drawing:


+25 Soulful Saturday Week 4

Soulful Saturday

This week’s theme is “Fire”. Please post a link to your work whether it be a drawing, painting, poem, piece of writing etc. Even if it is unfiinished, please post a link because I’d love to read and comment.

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+24 Solitary


Solitary yet surrounded

Not always alone

Not always known


(My Soulful Saturday contribution for week 3)


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+21 +22 +23 Pear-shaped


As an artist, I feel that I shouldn’t go into any explanation in regard to this piece. As a writer, I am tempted to do so. For now, I leave it to the interpretation of the viewer.

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+19 Fire for the body, fire for the soul


photo courtesy Jeff Reeder Photography,

Sunday started with fire. Physical fire. The installation of the coal stoker/boiler was complete sometime after midnight Saturday and for the first time in 13 years my house was truly warm. I thought this physical warmth was going to be the highlight of my day. And, yet my soul experienced warmth today, too, unexpectedly. Through a series of small events, I ended up attending church today. I’d tried this church before years ago and at the time, it just didn’t seem like a good fit. Today, my husband happened to be with me, as well, which is somewhat unusual since he normally works weekends. This is also the church where my children attend youth group every Wednesday night.

But, enough about the mundane details… the fact is God reached down from heaven into my soul through the voice and energetic spirit of a young man leading worship on stage and for the first time in years, I felt like I was home. A particular song stood out among the rest. Maybe because I have a degree in ceramics and the song was about God creating beautiful things out of dust or maybe only because it is what I needed to hear. And, while listening to this young man sing with unmatched passion and humility, I was blessed with a vision of where my current drawing is going. I love it when God pulls a few of the sloppy threads of life together to give you a glimpse of the tapestry of your life. I am engulfed by fire.

The bring me to tears song:

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